
Showing posts from June 8, 2008

blood on the market?

"Buy when there's blood on the market" so the saying goes. Now that it looks like there's blood on the market or that there will soon be. Where should one look to make purchases? There's also that saying that crisis is opportunity. So where are the opportunities now? Let's have a look at the root of the crisis to see. Subprime mortgage This one's a no-brainer. This is the reason why the first six months of the year were expected to be painful. But amidst all the fuss over the U.S. subprime mortgage, who would have thought that there would be another cloud of gloom that would overshadow that problem and make it seem pleasant. Rising Oil The rise in oil prices is changing the world. If it's here to stay we're going to have a lot of adapting to do. Companies within industries that are dependent on oil will feel the brunt while those that can decouple from oil dependence can potentially reap giant rewards. Food Crisis With a lack of food or a perceptio