Markets around the world have seen good gains over the past weeks specially in Asia. When the numbers are in the green, there is always a lot of excitement generated. So with everyone wondering if its time to buy, i can't help but wonder the same thing myself. I don't think its really the time to be buying quite yet. I would recommend that we still be cautious. I'll maintain my current strategy of small buys stretched over a long period. Too much excitement It's been a while since we've seen good numbers and I think this might cause the markets to get ahead of themselves. So far, the PSEi remains very responsive to the U.S. indeces so I remain attentive to what's happening over there. While the so called "green shoots" are emerging from the devastated American Economy, I don't think all the bumps are already behind. Credit Card fallout One thing I'm very concerned with is the Credit Card fallout that is hanging over the American Economy like th...