ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) = buying opportunity

 This may be an unpopular thing to say:  those who believe in the resiliency of the Philippine economy and in particular Philippine companies have a bit of an opportunity to pick up shares of stock at a friendlier price every time there is an ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine).  Historically, the prices go down during the ECQ and when the ECQ has done it’s damage to the economy, and also accomplished its purpose in containing the Pandemic, prices start to rise again. 

Personally, I believe so strongly in listed Philippine companies to weather this long, lingering economic storm.  I love rooting for the ‘little guy’ (i.e. small businesses). But, in this COVID-19 pandemic, the little guy will get crushed and will have a really hard time recovering, if at all. On the other hand, the big guy (i.e. large listed companies) stand a chance to recover quickly and become stronger than they have ever been (gaining market share of the little guys?).  While I don’t like this scenario, we know it’s coming and there’s very little we can do to stop it (small businesses suffer, big businesses don’t suffer or suffer much less).  

For now, I prefer to see Philippine stocks as ‘on sale’, and the announcement is written as “ECQ”.  Every time I see an advertisement of an online retail sale, I think to my self: “how many stocks in my favorite company could I buy instead?”  (I also think of BTC and other crypto coins but that’s a discussion for another post). 

My favorite companies include: AREIT (Php36.30), ALI (32.70) , JFC (190.00) *latest prices as of July30, 2021 close. 


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