third world with expensive taste: pertpetual appetite for imports in both public and private sector

A country like the Philippines will always have an appetite for imports. Now that we're bringing more money in via the OFW and BPO dollar superhighways we're also spending more of it via imports. With infrastructure spending on the rise, we have another reason to smile. But the private sector seems to be reviving its fancy taste.

Public Sector Spending
The Asian Wall Street Journal reported a surge in imports in the Philippines and associated it with rising oil price and infrastructure spending. If there is one thing we should spend on I'd say its infrastructure. I can only be happy to hear that we're spending more on infrastrucure. Yet, I still wonder where that infrastructure is. I don't see many new bridges, flyovers or roads.

Private Sector Spending
Just the other day I saw a rare site. In a single gas station, I saw two porsches, and a lamborghini. These were the new models. I thought to myself that they probably belong either to a cabinet member or a stock trader that rode the way last year.

I also notice that there has been a surge in new and expensive cars. On any given day, I'm no longer surprised to see a Benz here and a BMW there. We're a third world country with expensive taste.


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